WordPress release security fix 5.5.3
Wordpress released security fix 5.5.3 day after it released 5.5.2
Wordpress released security fix 5.5.3 day after it released 5.5.2
We have been here before we know what to do – its just a few short weeks, we have mechanisms in place, we have our social structures and neighbours in place – they are still there. We have got this – we can do this – this doesn’t have to be awful.
Spam, hacks, spoofing, phishing its all a bit of a mind field really! We have a lot of software now to protect us from email spam, viruses and the like but often it comes down to the user – how do YOU know what is what .. some of these emails can look very very …
The latest release of WordPress 5.5 is due out on 11 August 2020 – and there is a big key change that you need to be aware of. Automatic update of plugins and themes Yes that is correct you can now set any or all of your plugins and themes to automatically update when new …
An email that I sent to my clients earlier today – I wanted to reach out and let you know that I am around, I am working and I will continue to carry on working throughout this current unstable and unsure time. As business owners things are very much up in the air however that …
Let’s Encrypt has recently found a bug in their code for checking and allowing security certificates (SSL) for websites. Originally they were just going to withdraw the 3 million SSL’s effected! Which would have meant potentially 3 million websites would have failed SSL checks and would have been flagged as “this site is unsecure”, luckily …
How to put off your customers by calling them stupid! One marketing tactic that’s not worth doing!
Do you understand quite how vitally important your domain name is? Your domain name is ; Your website, Your email address, Your intellectual property!
One of my favourite Windows’ operating system – Windows 7 – will no longer be supported, will no longer have security updates, in fact it’ll be the end of Windows 7 as we know it.
So how does YOUR website stand up to the speed test? Have YOU tried your website whilst out and about? How do you compare?