An ecommerce website is a great thing – it means your customers can shop from the comfort of their own home in their own time. Whilst you might not get the chance to give them a real 1-2-1 personal service – selling online gets your product out there to many more people in any time zone! Even when you are sunning yourself!
You must get it right though! a bad website could mean next time they go elsewhere.
Think about the last time you bought something online, why did you not buy from X website but you did buy from Y? Those are the things that make an ecommerce website good rather than bad. Customers get bored, get frustrated and they don’t know your products like you do! So you make your website:
- Easy to navigate
- Quick to navigate – not too many clicks
- Obvious on where to find things
- Search facility in case you are not sure what you are looking for
- A site map to jump straight to what you want
All of these things make your customers’ shopping experience better, the better the experience the more they will come back – the more they will tell others!
Is an ecommerce website really worth it?
It usually all comes down to money – the more product(s) you sell the more money you make. However, not every company or product / service relates to being sold online. Ecommerce website also takes a lot of work to maintain (of course having me on hand helps there!), new products, stock of products, completing orders and fulfilment, chasing payments, refunds, returns – it can all add up time wise!
I have a fair few tricks up my sleeves to help with all of this – but its not a step to take lightly – better to not do it then do it badly!
To set up an ecommerce website your server must have PHP and MySQL, see hosting for more details. There are a large number of ecommerce software that I can use, WooCommerce, Zen Cart, Shopify and others.
As always if you are unsure give me a call and we can talk it through.